Website Terms of Use

WeGuardMotors Website Terms and Conditions

Definition of “You/you”

  • For Agents: “You/you” refers to the intermediary holding the agency.
  • For customers dealing directly with us: “You/you” pertains to the Policyholder and, when applicable, any additional drivers.
  • “The Company,” “We,” “Us,” and “Our” all refer to WeGuardMotors.

Important Notice

These Terms and Conditions govern the use of the WeGuardMotors Website and its systems. Please review them carefully. By accessing our Website, you are deemed to have accepted these Terms. If you do not agree, please refrain from using our site.

Your Responsibility

Your use of information or materials on this Website is at your own risk. We hold no liability for this use. You are responsible for ensuring that any products, services, or information available through this Website meet your specific needs.

Conditions of Use

As a condition for using this Website, you agree NOT to:

  • Reverse engineer or de-compile any software on the Website, except as allowed by applicable law.
  • Disclose, publish, transfer, or share any Website content or information acquired during use without prior written consent.
  • Access password-protected areas of the Website without a valid password.
  • Remove copyright, trademark, or other intellectual property notices from Website material.
  • Create copies, modify, or alter any part of the Website or materials without prior written agreement.
  • Transmit obscene, pornographic, threatening, offensive, defamatory, or unlawful content on the Website.
  • Engage in activities intended to inhibit others’ use of the Website or damage its reputation.

Unauthorized use of the Website may result in damages or criminal charges.

Trading Terms and Conditions

These are the Trading Terms and Conditions for using the WeGuardMotors Website and its systems. By accessing and using our site, you agree to abide by these terms. If you disagree, please refrain from using our site.


The Website, including its operating software and trademarks, is owned by us. You have no right or interest in these, except as stated in these terms. We reserve the right to block access to the Website at our discretion.


Information you provide will remain confidential with us, our associated or subsidiary companies, and the Insurers we work with, unless legal disclosure is required. We’ve taken precautions to secure your information, using encryption methods for personal and payment details.


Our products are available for UK residents and possibly overseas visitors, excluding certain countries. By requesting a quote and agreeing to Insurer terms, you confirm compliance with UK legislation and regulation.


Copyright for Website material belongs to WeGuardMotors. Copying is allowed under certain conditions, including no commercial use and retaining copyright notices. Certain materials may have other intellectual property rights. Images are protected by copyright.

Terms of Business Agreement (TOBA)

Transactions with us require Agents to comply with the TOBA. TOBA prevails in case of conflict with these Terms.

Changes to Terms and Records of Agreements

We may change terms by posting updates on the Website. Review terms regularly. Using the site after changes implies acceptance. Amendments must be agreed upon in writing.


The Website and its content are provided “as is.” No warranties, explicit or implied, are given. We’re not liable for losses resulting from Website use. Information accuracy isn’t guaranteed. Functions may be interrupted or contain errors. Nothing in these terms excludes liability for death or personal injury due to negligence.


Headings are for convenience and don’t affect interpretation.

Jurisdiction and Law

Products may not be appropriate or available in other locations. Material in this Website may not comply with laws of other countries. Terms are governed by English law, subject to English courts’ exclusive jurisdiction.

Links to other Websites

Links to external sites are beyond our control, and we’re not responsible for their content.

Monitoring of Phone Calls/Emails

Communication monitoring applies subject to our Privacy Policy.

Product Terms and Conditions

For products or services, these Terms work alongside specific terms and conditions. In case of conflict, specific terms prevail.


Images, logos, and names on the Website identify WeGuardMotors. No licenses or rights are conferred to users.

Please note that this rewording is a summary of the original text and may not capture all nuances or legal implications. Always refer to the original source for accurate information.