Who We Cover

Coverage Eligibility:

We provide insurance for drivers seeking short-term coverage for various reasons, including:

  1. Shared Long Drives: When you’re sharing a lengthy journey.
  2. Borrowed Vehicles: If you need to borrow someone else’s car.
  3. University Breaks: Driving your parent’s car while home from university.
  4. Car Repairs: When your car is being repaired and you need to use another vehicle.
  5. New Vehicle Collection: To collect a new vehicle before arranging an annual policy.
  6. House Moving: Driving a different vehicle, like a van, for moving house.
  7. Impounded Vehicle Retrieval: Getting back an impounded vehicle.
  8. Learning to Drive: Coverage for learner drivers.

Eligibility Criteria:

To be eligible for our short-term insurance, you must meet the following requirements:

  1. Age: Between 17 and 78 years old.
  2. Driving Licence: Possess a UK, EU, or UK provisional driving licence.
  3. Residency: Have been a permanent UK resident for the last 12 months or a former UK resident expatriate.
  4. Licence Points: Have no more than 7 licence points in the last 3 years.
  5. Disqualifications: Not have been disqualified from driving in the last 2 years.
  6. Fault Claims: Have no more than 2 fault claims in the last 3 years.
  7. Criminal Record: No criminal convictions, ongoing ASBO or CBO.
  8. Previous Void Policy: No prior voided insurance policies.
  9. Vehicle Value: Vehicle value must be at least £1,500; maximum claim capped at £65,000 depending on insurer.
  10. Vehicle Condition: Vehicle must be roadworthy with a valid MOT (unless going to a pre-booked MOT).
  11. Taxation: Vehicle must be taxed (unless obtaining tax immediately after purchase).
  12. Insurer Criteria: Pay attention to each insurer’s specific eligibility criteria outlined in their Proposer’s Declaration.

Exclusions – What We Don’t Cover:

We do not provide coverage for the following situations:

  1. Vehicle Modifications: Except those aiding disabled drivers.
  2. Left-Hand Drive Cars: Left-hand drive motorhomes are insurable.
  3. Vehicles with 8+ Seats: Including commercial vehicles with more than 5 seats.
  4. Hire or Loan Vehicles: This includes vehicle rentals, salvage/recovery, credit hire, and accident management.
  5. Hire and Reward: Excluding our courier scheme for goods carriage.
  6. Racing and Commercial Use: No use for racing, pace-making, speed testing, commercial travel, or motor trade purposes.
  7. Hazardous Goods or Locations: Use involving hazardous goods or locations.
  8. SORN Vehicles: Vehicles declared as Statutory Off Road Notification (SORN).
  9. International Licences: Not covered for international driving licences.